Sunset tours in glass kayaks

Join VisionKayak on a fairytale-like tour under the sunset in see-through kayaks in Jutland

An unforgettable experience both above and below the surface in see-through kayaks with VisionKayak

Would you like to experience the amazing colors of the sunset from the waterside? Then you simply have to come when we go on a cosy evening tour in the crystal clear kayaks on the Limfjord!
The tours starts while there's still light, so you get get the experience of diving dryshoed, too. These tours are therefore a great opportunity to both explore the hidden secret of the fjord and experience the explosion of warm colors of the sunset on the sky above us. 

Imagine drifting across the the waters of the Limfjord, while an explosion of warm orange and yellow nuances towards the West appears. Slowly, the golden colors will be replaced by cool, clear turquoise and deep blue colors towards the East. Slowly, one by one, the stars will light up on the sky above us. If we're lucky, the evening will be completely wind-still, and the fjord will act as a giant mirror reflecting all of this, so we'll feel like we're rowing directly on the sky itself. 

On the cloudy days and days with rain, a tour in glass kayaks with the family, your special other, or your friends is also a very special experience. A special kind of calmness and unique "hygge" occurs on the days when the sky pulls out a protective blanket of clouds over our heads. So cloudy weather and rain is no obstacle for a great, romantic tour in the glass kayaks, even though we naturally always hope to see the sunset on the sunset tours. 
The sunset tours in the the see-through kayaks are really extraordinary experiences, and they are ideal for couples and friends who wants a memorable and enchanting outdoor experience in each other's company, and families with older children, who don't mind it getting a bit late. The time of the tours varies and depends on the time of the sunset. The tours in the beginning and end of the season are early enough for the children to join without any trouble! 
On the sunset tours, it's not as much the window into the fjord and the bathyscope effect that's in focus, as the dim light of the sunset makes it more difficult to see through the water. But while the life of the Limfjord rests, we enjoy the amazing experience of being on the water under the beautiful evening sky. If you'd like, you can bring a flashlight or similar, so you can use it to see the sleeping life of the fjord as the darkness arrives. 

The starting time of the sunset tours varies through the season, as it follows the time of the sunset. We meet at Marienlyst Beach in Skive, where you'll first get a short introduction to the glass kayaks and basic steering technique, before we head out together. We row South towards the harbour together, we stay close to the shore and on shallow water. The glass kayaks are wide, stable, and open, they are easy to steer, and you don't need any kind of rowing or sailing experience to join the tours.



250 DKK
Included in the price:
A short introduction to the glass kayaks and basic steering technique, as well as borrowing a swimming vest. The price is pr. person pr. tour. A tour lasts 1,5-2 hours.


200 DKK
Children must always be accompanied by an adult. Included in the price:
A short introduction to the glass kayaks and basic steering technique, as well as borrowing a swimming vest. The price is pr. person pr. tour. A tour lasts 1,5-2 hours.
*Under 13 years old

Book your tickets to a morning tour in see-through kayaks here

I recommend booking as early as possible, as there's only a limited amount of seats on each tour. Didn't find a tour that fits you? 
Remember to check if there's a sunset or full moon tour instead.

The best gift is an experience together

Gift someone dear with a gift card for a tour in glass kayaks. Create memories together!


Why choose a sunset tour?

On the sunset tours, you get a completely unique possibility to combine the experience of diving with dry shoes with experiencing the sunset from a new angle for most people - from the water!

The sunset tours always have a special, enchanting mood; as the warm orange and yellow nuances towards the West explodes on the sky and later become replaced by the cooler blues of the night, and the stars one by one appears above us, most people are deeply fascinated by the beauty. On the cloudy days and days with rain, a tour in glass kayak with someone dear is still an amazing experience, as a special kind of calmness and unique "hygge" occurs on the days when the sky pulls out a protective blanket of clouds over our heads. Even though we naturally always hope to see the sunset on the sunset tours.  

About the route and the fjord

The tours are in the unique, completely see-through glass kayas from VisionKayak that only exists a handful of places in Europe. They are wide, open, and stable like a canoe, and in addition to that, they have the low center of gravity and the paddle of the kayak. All in all, this gives an incredibly stable and safe trip. 

The sunset tours starts at Marienlyst Beach in Skive in Jutland and lasts between 1,5-2 hours including a short introduction to the glass kayaks and basic steering technique on land. The route that we follow is four kilometers long, but it's not always we complete the way to Skive Harbour - and that's completely alright! The most important thing is that everyone has a nice trip, and not that we reach a specific destination. Therefore, the tours varies in length depending on the group, but the maximal length is four kilometers. 

The tours in the crystal clear glass bottom kayaks are at a speed that everyone can follow. We have fun and take our time exploring the secret world beneath the surface. There's plenty of room for drifting along and enjoying the sun, just like you're more than welcome to bring snacks. 

We row on the inner part of Skive Fjord, which is a part of the Limfjord. It's very protected and safe water, as we have coast almost all the way around us. At the same time, there's no scary under currents. There's just a couple of bigger rocks and areas of mussels on our route, but your tour guide will warn you before you get stranded. 

Skive Fjord is a part of the Limfjord, and the water is salt. 
When the wind is from West, which it mostly is in Denmark, we are sheltered from the wind because of the higher coast. This means that even if we have quite a bit of wind, we will not be bothered by it. It's also on the days with wind from the West that the water is most clear. When the wind now and then comes from either North or South, we'll get a bit more exercise either on our back out or back home, and on the other way, we really get to relax and enjoy being pushed by the wind. A big part of the way, however, the curved coast shelters us a bit. Very rarely, the wind comes from East. When this happens, the wind blows across the fjord, which can cause small waves. If there's more than 6-7 m/sec wind, the tour will be cancelled. The waves whirls the fine particle of the bottom of fjord up into the water and makes it unclear. On these days, we'll just enjoy the experience above the surface even more. That's just a part of the charme of nature; you can't control it.

Safety and practical information

It should be a nice experience to go on the water, and therefore, the safety is key to us! We'll row together on shallow water and close to the shore during the entire trip, there's of course good 50N swimming wests for all of you, and then there'll always be at least one tour leader with you. You'll get a short introduction to the glass kayaks and basic rowing- and steering technique before we head out, and you're always more than welcome to ask questions during the trip!

If you want to bring shoes, sweaters, car keys or the like that needs to stay dry on the trip, you can buy a drybag from us. Please inform at booking if you wish to buy a drybag if you know on forehand. We'll have some drybags with us at the day of the tour, too.

See you at the water!
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