Experience: Full moon tours in GLASS KAYAK®

Get a rare experience! With very few full moons throughout the season, here is a very unique and rare opportunity for you to have a completely magical experience on the Limfjord. The rare Full moon tours are sought after, so please book as soon as you know you want to experience them!

On the beautiful Full moon tours, you get the best of all three types of tours: the trips start in the last daylight, so you can spend the first part of the tour exploring the aquatic plant and animal life of the Limfjord below you - and you are more than welcome to bring a light source, so you can continue your journey of discovery after the sun has set. In the sky above us, the sunset colors the sky in its warm, golden hues as it approaches the horizon line - just as on the Sunset tours. At the same time, the full moon slowly begins to creep up over the horizon and become more and more apparent. Finally, we will row in the magical, silvery glow of the moon, which is beautifully reflected by the glossy water of the fjord.

One by one, the clearest evening stars light up in the sky above us, and if we're really lucky, we might see a shooting star, or be visited by one of the fjord's seals, who seem to have a love for splashing around in the moon's reflection. It's so beautiful - don't miss out on this magical experience. Treat yourself and your loved ones!
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For children and families

We love having children and their families join our tours! Read more about bringing children and our family-friendly tours here.
For kids
Oplevelser med hund - hundevenlig aktivitet - kano/kajaktur med hund i GLASKAJAK på Limfjorden ved Skive i Jylland. Attraktion hvor hunde må medbringes og er velkomne

Dogs are welcome

The GLASS KAYAK® tours are dog-friendly activities. Read more about how to bring your dog with you on the tours here.

Pictures from the tours

Get a sneak peek at some of the stunning views, animals, and plants you can experience on the tours in GLASS KAYAK® here
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Oplev fuldmånen fra en helt ny vinkel på vandet

Drøm dig med på en magisk oplevelse med GLASKAJAK®

Fuldmåneturene er nok den smukkeste, mest eventyrlige oplevelse, man kan få på vandet. På fuldmåneturene får du alt det bedste fra formiddags- og solnedgangsturene - kombineret med fuldmånens sølvfarvede følgeskab. Du vil nemlig både opleve vandkikkerteffekten ned gennem de gennemsigtige kajakker, hvor du kan se Limfjordens varierede bund med sten, muslingebanker og sand, opleve krabberne pile af sted, vandmænd hænge magisk spredt i vandet og små søanemoner pryde sten hist og her. Herefter vil du opleve solnedgangens varme farver pryde himlen over træerne mod vest, og til sidst vil fuldmånen langsomt krybe op over horisonten og blive mere og mere tydelig og sølvfarvet. Til sidst ror vil du ro i dens flotte refleksion på Limfjordens blanke overflade, og de tydeligste stjerner vil tænde på himlen over dig én efter én.

Alle kan være med på fuldmåneturene i GLASKAJAK®

Fuldmåneturene starter på forskellige tidspunkter gennem sæsonen afhængig af tidspunktet, som solen går ned, og månen står op. I starten og slutningen af sæsonen er turene tidligere, så hvis du har børn med, kan det være en god idé at kigge efter dem. Du kan finde starttidspunktet for den enkelte tur i bookingkalenderen HER. Som med alle ture hos os i VisionKayak behøver du ikke at have erfaring med at ro eller være på vandet i forvejen. Inden fuldmåneturen vil I få en kort introduktion til grundlæggende roteknik og GLASKAJAK® samt få udleveret svømmeveste. På turen ror vi på lavt vand tæt på kysten og følges ad hele vejen.

Lyder det ikke som en dejlig oplevelse i det fri med en fuldmånetur i en gennemsigtig kano-/kajakhybrid? 

Billede fra formiddagsture i glaskajak med VisionKayak
Explore the otherwise secret and hidden marine life underneath the surface of the Limfjord on the Morning Tours in see-through kayaks in Skive. Here in the daylight, you get the best opportunity to experience the aquatic life - and also enjoy the many birds in the forest right next to the water. Perfect for families with children! We meet at 10 o'Clock and are back around 12 o'Clock.
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Solnedgangstur i glaskajak med VisionKayak i Skive i Midtjylland/Nordjylland - en vandsportsaktivitet/oplevelse for par, familier og oplagt til kærestetur
Do you love a pretty sunset, too? Then the Sunset Tours are perfect for you - they are so stunning! Here, you can enjoy exploring the aquatic life of the Limfjord with the most beautiful background, as the many warm nuances of yellow and red from the sunset meet the cool colors of the night sky and later the brightest evening stars. The meeting time for the Sunset Tours varies through the season.
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Slide over the clear waters of the Limfjord in GLASS KAYAK® and experience the full moon from an entirely new angle. Here, you'll both get the beautiful sunset and the magical experience of rowing underneath the full moon in its silvery light. There's very few Full Moon Tours throughout the season, so book while you can! The meeting time for the Full moon tours varies through the season.
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